Why The Church Still Matters

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)

Jesus in our midst. So many people around you, and it may include you, are looking for ways to connect. We want to connect with God more than ever, but also, we have a strong desire to connect with other people. We have been through more than we bargained for and there's no sign of things slowing down as we await the "next normal."

In the meantime, a lot of people have entered a season where they are finally willing to say, "I can't do this all on my own. It's time to connect."

Right now, article after article, we are discovering that more people than ever are leaving their jobs because they have come to a place where purpose in life is more valuable than employment. The Church meets us at this intersection. The word church means, "the gathering of a people for a purpose." It's not a building, a time, or a place. The church is always, only people. No matter how it happens, where people connect and engage, Jesus is in their midst.

Whether it's dinner and fellowship at a community night, one more window open on Zoom, gathering in a house church, or running on a Saturday, it has always mattered less HOW we gathered than WHY we gathered: To experience and extend the love of Jesus together.

And we need both, to receive and to give Christ's amazing, empowering, encouraging, embracing, unrelenting love.

Jesus didn't just want people to have a vertical relationship with God. He modeled ways to engage with one another in new and loving rhythms. This is what the church can be and should be, and that's why at Kingdom Story, we want to create that safe space for you to take the next best step in your spiritual journey, to ask the questions you need to ask, and to connect in the ways that we believe your heart is longing to connect.

So whether you're joining us online or in person this season, we want to continue experiencing and extending the love of Jesus together.

Together we can find our story in God’s Story. And that’s pretty awesome!


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